The MksU Alumni Associations objectives include to:

  • Promote, foster and maintain connections between the Association’s members and the University for the mutual benefit and support of the basic values and goals for which the University was founded.
  • To promote the University’s interests, welfare, image and academic standards.
  • Foster a spirit of loyalty and warm relationship among the graduates, former students, current administrators, and students in the University.
  • Encourage members of the Association to take an active interest in the life of the University by initiating and supporting activities in a cooperative spirit which enhances and benefits the relationship between the University and the members of the Association.
  • Promote, improve and protect the interest and welfare of the members and the university
  • Collaborate with the University Council and any other boards which serve the interests and development of the Alumni and the Machakos University fraternity.
  • To promote cooperation between the University, the private and public sectors and industry in general
  • Create means and methods to encourage alumni to grow professionally and socially by serving the University, their neighbors, and the country.
  • Encourage, develop and maintain academic and social traditions unique to Machakos University.
  • To identify and develop alumni leaders.
  • To organize and participate in non-political, social and educational activities for the Alumni and for the interest of the University and the community at large.
  • Establish collaborative links with other Alumni bodies and organizations locally and internationally.
  • Participate in any other worthwhile national and International development activities that will portray the Association and the University in goodwill.